Very beautiful to drive all over this large country in Europe
Without french language skills everything there is not easy ....
be aware of traffic signs and speed limits - controls are often and fines are costly !
"RN... route nationale" is the secret for driving overland, as french highways are very expensive and have less exits than elsewhere....
most locals are good drivers, fast drivers and also can be very unpolite and rude ! Be aware of this.....
Be aware: Rules are not guaranteeing always safety !
This country is full of diverse beauties:
take your time to enjoy not only big and famous cities - enjoy small villages and great the great view of beautiful landscape
take your time for great meals and good wine....
than you shall find also nice and friendly locals.....!
Throughout our travelling we have been lucky to explore, and really lived this country in diverse fields as skiing, horseback riding, just visiting family etc. -